One of our customers turned their front yard into an amazing event venue. They created a large deck with adjacent gazebo overlooking a lawn area with a semi covered walkway. Everything on the following pictures if from this project. Any wood shown was milled by us.
Delivery of the logs
Ray (Ray Godon & Family Logging) is unloading the logs
The log deck of Ponderosa Pine before we started milling
A snapshot of the sawyer during milling operation
Railing posts (pressure treaded 4x4s) covered with rouch sawn Ponderosa Pine
A gazebo adjacent to deck
Pine slabs used as countertops in gazebo
Steps to deck
Deck overlooking lawn area made up of 2" Ponderosa Pine slabs
Planter on deck
Stairs from deck down to lawn area
Custom fence to the right of stairs on lawn area
Entry from driveway into lawn area. Note custom build gate milled from Redwood.
Details on gate and hardware
Walkway from driveway to lawn area
Detail of walkway
How to cover the meter from the utility company
Overlooking gazebo, deck and lawn area
Imagine how you could transform your property by using custom milled lumber! Give us a call!
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